Catalog of Products

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    As of 8.1.23  it is best to contact us if you are interested in  one of the larger speaker cabinets or one of our amplifiers. 

    While our best bet for overseas shipping is DB Schenker freight these days, International shipping has become very complicated. and expensive to boot.  

    If you are an overseas customer interested in one of these cabinets or amplifiers another option is to ship  these items to a US address such as a forwarding agent but please know the  warranty wil only be valid in the US, once it leaves the US the warranty is void. You will be responsible for making all arrangements including paperwork, fees etc..  We  will pack it and have it ready for pickup.  We will make extra copies of the invoice available to you where requested. 

    Any of the smaller combo cabinets I.e Jet or Reverberocket  and head boxes will still be available for international shipping as they are small enough to go through US mail.

    We apologies for this change to our policy and hope down the road  we will be able to often better option.

    The FliptopsCrew


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